Welcome to destination FLOW!

Flow has been described by positive psychology as the state in which we reach our peak performance, we are able to contribute at our very best and we can enjoy the optimal life experience.

The overall objective of ‘Destination FLOW’ is not only to allow you to reach as often as possible the state of FLOW, as described by positive psychology, but also to gain the tremendous capacity of co-creating your life.

The combination of these two abilities will not only allow you to live life at its very best but also to make it last!

In this site, you will find all the information relative to the challenges which have been specifically designed to facilitate your transition from ‘just existing’ to ‘living life at its very best in the most efficient way’! If you would like to learn more about:

  • the difference between existing versus living
  • the devastating consequences of just existing
  • the 3 fatal errors which explain why most people just exist and end-up regretting at the end of their existence of not having lived their life
please visit the site existorlive.info where you will find all these information.


You can access in this site the four challenges of ‘Destination FLOW’, by clicking on each letter of the FLOW banner at the beginning and bottom of this page…we strongly recommend you follow the order in sequence and start by clicking on the letter F since the following challenges can only be achieved if the overall objective of the previous challenges have been achieved.

We hope you will find significant value in all the information we are sharing in these 4 challenges and are looking forward to any of your suggestions to make it even better!

Since we would like as many people as possible to have access to all the information which can help them to succeed their transformation from ‘just existing’ to ‘living their life at its very best’, we have chosen to give access to all the content of these challenges on a complete free basis. 

Any future upgrade based on your suggestions are developed whenever your contributions through our Teepee account allow us to do so. Many thanks in advance for enabling us through your suggestions and contributions to keep improving the content of these challenges for the benefit of us all. Our world will definitely become a much better world if many of us reach our peak performance, are able to contribute at our very best and at the same time live completely fulfilled!

Since we are not native English speakers, we also greatly appreciate any suggestions or corrections on the text!