Welcome to the 4th challenge
Wake-up all your co-creation powers!

When you have already created the favorable conditions and adopted the practices of the first challenge and also freed yourself of your limiting beliefs, conditioning and behaviors in the second challenge, changed the 3 major factors required to operate at your full potential during the 3rd challenge, you are ready for the fourth challenge.

The overall objective of the fourth challenge is to use fully all our co-creation powers in order to continuously live life at its very best!

This challenge requires we go beyond the perception of our reality based on our senses and start taking into account that all matter and what was initially believed to be void is in fact full of energy, vibration and information.

This shift in our representation of our reality will open for us new doors, new opportunities, new powers to co-create our life but will require from us to learn to interact with energy, vibration and the information field.

Interacting with energy

Places where we live, interactions we have with people and events we face can either raise or reduce our level of energy.

Once we have learned to appreciate the way places, people and events impact our energy levels, we should start avoiding as much as possible everything which drains our energy in order to spend most our time being in places, interacting with people and participating to events which raise our level of energy.

Whenever our energy gets lower, we are not only deteriorating our capacity to move forward, our wellbeing and health but also our capacity to co-create our life.

Learning to detect how places, people, events interact with our energy is essential if we want to be able to differentiate between what lifts us, and will therefore have a positive impact on us, from what drains us and will impact us negatively.

By scanning, like a radar, the energy level, we can assess almost instantly what is best for us.

Geobiologists are used to determine the differences in energy levels. Some of the tools they use can be used to scan not only the energy of places but the energy level of almost anything. I was taught by one of them, a very simple tool which really works well with me.. Find the tool which works for you and start using it on a regular basis.

Low energy has not only a significant impact on many aspects of our life, it also prevents us to fully use our co-creation powers. If we want to be able to use fully our co-creation powers we must first learn to avoid, as much as we can, all the places, people, events which keep draining our energy and seek the ones which allow us to maintain or raise our energy!

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Low energy, often referred to as fatigue or lethargy, can have a significant impact on various aspects of a person’s life. It can be caused by a variety of factors, including physical, mental, and emotional issues. The impact of low energy can be both immediate and long-term, affecting a person’s overall well-being and quality of life. Here are some of the key impacts of low energy:

  1. Physical Health: Low energy can lead to decreased physical activity, which, in turn, can result in weight gain and reduced cardiovascular fitness. It can also affect the body’s ability to heal and recover from illness or injury.

  2. Mental Health: Fatigue can contribute to mood disorders like depression and anxiety. It can make it difficult to concentrate, think clearly, and make decisions, which can lead to decreased productivity and lower job performance.

  3. Social Life: People with low energy may withdraw from social activities and relationships, leading to feelings of isolation and loneliness. This can, in turn, exacerbate mental health issues.

  4. Work and Productivity: At the workplace, low energy can result in decreased productivity, missed deadlines, and increased errors. It can also lead to decreased job satisfaction and career advancement opportunities.

  5. Quality of Life: Low energy can limit a person’s ability to enjoy life fully. Simple everyday activities may become challenging, and it can be difficult to engage in hobbies or interests that bring joy.

  6. Relationships: It can strain relationships with family and friends because individuals with low energy may not have the energy to engage in social activities or fulfill their roles and responsibilities.

  7. Sleep Patterns: Paradoxically, low energy can also disrupt sleep patterns. Some people with low energy may find it difficult to fall asleep or stay asleep, which can exacerbate their fatigue.

  8. Immune System: Prolonged low energy can weaken the immune system, making the individual more susceptible to illnesses.

  9. Nutrition and Diet: Low energy may lead to poor dietary choices, such as opting for sugary or caffeinated foods and drinks to temporarily boost energy, which can result in an unhealthy diet and nutritional imbalances.

  10. Chronic Conditions: In some cases, low energy may be a symptom of underlying medical conditions such as anemia, hypothyroidism, chronic fatigue syndrome, or sleep disorders. If left untreated, these conditions can worsen and have serious health consequences.

  11. Medication and Substance Abuse: Some people may turn to stimulants or other substances to combat their low energy, which can lead to dependency and addiction issues.

  12. Safety Risks: Low energy can impair cognitive and physical functioning, increasing the risk of accidents and injuries, both at home and in the workplace.

To address the impact of low energy, it’s essential to identify the underlying causes and develop a comprehensive approach to address physical, mental, and emotional well-being. This might involve lifestyle changes, medical treatment, counseling, and stress management techniques to improve energy levels and overall quality of life.

Interacting with vibration

Our vibration has not only an impact on us, on people around us and on our environment, it also has a strong influence on our level of consciousness.

Most of the time, during the day, our brain is at the Beta level. When we start to relax we change to the Alpha level and even decrease to Theta level when we are under hypnosis or almost asleep.

Much study still remained to be done to better understand our different levels of consciousness but empirical experiences indicate that we can better receive key information when we are in lower wavelengths.

From which source are we receiving this information? where does this ‘little voice’ come from? is this coming from our soul? from a guide? an external force? Nobody knows but everybody can experience it. Anyone in a state of deep relaxation can start ‘receiving’ these information.

Regardless of the source, the information received has by itself its own value and most people who develop this capacity, view this information as a guidance which help them to co-create their life towards more fulfillment.

To develop our ability to receive these information, we first have to believe it is possible! As athletes know very well, you can never achieve a performance which was never achieved if you believe it is impossible to achieve. You first have to overcome the limiting thought which makes you believe it is impossible!

The same applies here.

Until recently, most scientists have rejected the hypothesis of the existence of an external coordination. They sticked to the hypothesis of ‘chance’ which was taken at the beginning of science. This hypothesis implies that all the precision and coordination which can be observed in our universe and can not be explained by science is purely due to chance.

Based on this hypothesis, it is pure chance if we do not observe the growing entropy expected of any complex system but an incredibly high level of organization between the 50 000 billion cells of a human body.

It is also pure chance that the initial parameters of our universe, were set at an extreme level of precision in order to make life possible.

To make us fully appreciate the incredible precision of these initial parameters of our universe, the astrophysicist Trinh Xuan Thuan compares their level of precision to the precision which would be required from an archer to hit a target of 1cm by 1cm placed at 14 billion light years from her/him. Not impossible but extremely unlikely!!!!

Besides the extremely low probability linked to the ‘chance’ hypothesis, recent experiments on space-time and quantum entanglement have demonstrated the existence of an ‘external coordination’.

As said earlier and explained by Arthur Schopenhauer, old hypothesis become such strong belief that the new hypothesis is usually first ridiculed, then violently opposed before it becomes accepted as self evident.

It is clear that the hypothesis of ‘external coordination’ has not yet reached the stage of becoming ‘self evident’ but this should not prevent us from considering it before it actually become ‘self evident’ in the coming years.

This new hypothesis opens the door to the possibility of interactions with this external coordination force. This is an incredible co-creation powers that most of us ignore and therefore do not use!

They are only huge benefits in opening ourselves to this possibility and to start ‘testing’ it in our life by ourselves.

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Consciousness is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon that is not fully understood, but it has been studied in relation to brain wave activity. Brain waves, or neural oscillations, are electrical patterns of activity in the brain that can be measured and categorized based on their frequency. Different levels of consciousness are often associated with specific patterns of brain wave activity. The four primary types of brain waves associated with different states of consciousness are:

  1. Beta Waves (13-30 Hz):

    • Beta waves are associated with wakefulness and active, alert mental activity.

    • They are most prominent when you are engaged in focused tasks, problem-solving, or analytical thinking.

    • Higher frequencies within the beta range are associated with increased alertness and cognitive engagement.

  2. Alpha Waves (8-12 Hz):

    • Alpha waves are often observed when you are awake but in a relaxed, non-alert state.

    • They are typically associated with a calm and peaceful mental state, such as during meditation or daydreaming.

    • Alpha waves can also be present when you close your eyes and are physically and mentally relaxed.

  3. Theta Waves (4-7 Hz):

    • Theta waves are associated with a state of deep relaxation, creativity, and the early stages of sleep.

    • They are often present during light to moderate meditation, and they play a role in forming dreams during the REM (rapid eye movement) stage of sleep.

    • Theta waves are also associated with memory and learning processes.

  4. Delta Waves (0.5-3 Hz):

    • Delta waves are the slowest brain waves and are typically associated with deep, dreamless sleep.

    • They are crucial for restorative sleep and physical healing, and they help the brain recover and regenerate during the night.

    • Delta waves are not typically associated with conscious awareness, as they signify a state of unconsciousness or very deep relaxation.

It’s important to note that consciousness is not solely determined by brain wave activity, and the relationship between brain waves and consciousness is still an area of ongoing research. Additionally, different individuals may exhibit variations in their brain wave patterns in various states of consciousness, and the specific experiences associated with these patterns can vary.

The study of consciousness and brain waves is a complex and interdisciplinary field, and researchers continue to explore the relationship between neural activity and the various states of consciousness that humans experience.

Interacting with the information field

Now that we have replaced the initial hypothesis of ‘pure chance’ by the hypothesis the existence of an external coordination, the key question becomes how we can interact with this external coordination. What is the most efficient way to send and receive information?

Broadcasting information

Quantum Physics has now proven that the information sent by the observer influences the observed result. With the same initial conditions, an electron can either behave like a corpuscle or like a wave depending of the way it is observed, it is called the observer effect.

This is completely against the assumption of determinism which state that the observed result depends solely on the initial conditions and the fixed laws of physics. Based on the assumption of determinism, the observer can not in anyway influence the result. The initial hypothesis of determinism has therefore now also been invalidated by the observations made at the quantum level.

We have in fact an influence, a co-creative power which was completely overlooked by the personal development approaches which all have been developed so far based on the initial scientific hypothesis of chance and determinism as well as the hypothesis of strict causality and materialism which have also been invalidated by quantum physics.

To fully leverage the observer effect and the existence of an external coordination, we should make sure the information we send is strong and coherent. We know that our brain emits an electric signal whereas our heart emits an electromagnetic signal. The information we send is only coherent when both signals are completely aligned. We must demand and at the same time develop a coherent emotion with our demand, precisely the emotion we will feel when the demand will be fulfilled.

We know that by doing so we have an impact on our biochemistry and the expression of our gene but based on the observer effect and the existence of an external coordination, we also have an impact on the actual result.

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The observer effect in quantum physics refers to the phenomenon where the act of measurement or observation can influence the behavior of a quantum system. It is one of the fundamental principles of quantum mechanics and has profound implications for our understanding of the nature of reality at the quantum level.

Key points to understand about the observer effect in quantum physics:

  1. Wave-Particle Duality: In the early 20th century, experiments, such as the double-slit experiment, demonstrated that particles like electrons and photons exhibit both wave-like and particle-like properties. This means that they can exist in multiple states or positions simultaneously, described by a probability distribution.

  2. Superposition: Quantum objects can exist in a superposition of states, meaning they can be in a combination of multiple states at the same time. For example, an electron can be in a superposition of multiple positions until it is measured.

  3. Wavefunction: The state of a quantum system is described by a mathematical function called the wavefunction. This wavefunction represents the probability distribution of finding the particle in different states.

  4. Collapse of the Wavefunction: When a measurement is made on a quantum system, the wavefunction collapses to a single state, and the particle is found in a specific position or with specific properties. This sudden transition from a probabilistic state to a definite one is known as wavefunction collapse.

  5. Observer Effect: The observer effect is the idea that the act of measuring or observing a quantum system affects the outcome of the measurement. When a measurement is made, it collapses the wavefunction into one of its possible states. The nature of the collapse and which state is chosen is seemingly random, determined by the probabilities defined by the wavefunction.

  6. Role of Consciousness: It’s important to clarify that the observer effect does not require a conscious human observer. Any interaction or measurement with the quantum system, whether by a conscious observer or an inanimate instrument, can trigger the collapse of the wavefunction.

  7. Entanglement: Another important concept related to the observer effect is quantum entanglement, where the properties of two or more particles become correlated in such a way that measuring one instantly affects the state of the other, regardless of the distance between them. This is an even more puzzling aspect of quantum physics.

The observer effect raises profound questions about the nature of reality and the role of consciousness in the quantum world. It challenges classical intuitions about determinism and the idea that particles have definite properties before measurement. However, quantum mechanics has been an incredibly successful framework for understanding and predicting the behavior of particles at the quantum level, and it has been extensively confirmed through experiments. While the observer effect remains a topic of philosophical debate, it is a well-established and integral aspect of quantum physics

Receiving information

As mentioned earlier, we can receive information directly when we are in a modified state of consciousness but we can also receive information ‘externally’ through coincidences and synchronicities.

Let us first define the difference between coincidences and synchronicities.

Coincidences are ‘circumstances that appear meaningfully related yet lack a causal connection’.

Synchronicities, as defined by Karl Young are ‘a non-casual event in the external world which coincides with things going on in the internal world, such as our thoughts, feelings and dreams’.

Whenever we experience coincidences and synchronicities AND their occurrence is associated to a strong emotion/vibration, we should really pay attention to them.

We now know, thanks Quantum physics, that time does not really exist like we experience it with our senses. Our future is not created every second. We are like on a path, that we are discovering second after second, but the path already exists.

This does not mean that our future is frozen. We also have a co-creation power.

Coincidences or synchronicities, whenever they are associated with a strong emotion could represent opportunities we are given to move to a different life path. It is as if coincidences and synchronicities associated with strong emotion would indicate to us points of possible bifurcations.

Not paying attention to them and not taking them into account to adjust our reactions and make our decisions is therefore like missing the opportunities we are given to co-create our life.

They should therefore not be ignored and we should really pay a special attention to them especially when they come in sequence and are associated to a strong emotion.

People who live life at the very best know perfectly how to take into account coincidences and synchronicities and use them to get closer to their desired future.

By mastering their ability to broadcast information to the ‘information field’ and to receive back the messages internally and externally, they are in fact ‘co-creating’ their life..

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Coincidences and synchronicities hold a special place in human experience and have been a subject of fascination, debate, and exploration for centuries. They are often seen as meaningful occurrences that appear to defy conventional explanations. Here’s an explanation of their importance:

  1. Personal Significance: Coincidences and synchronicities can hold personal meaning for individuals. When an event seems to align perfectly with a person’s thoughts, desires, or needs, it can provide a sense of reassurance or confirmation that they are on the right path. This can boost confidence and motivation.

  2. Psychological Comfort: These occurrences can offer psychological comfort, providing a sense of order and purpose in a seemingly random world. They can make individuals feel less alone and help alleviate feelings of isolation or confusion.

  3. Encouraging Serendipity: Coincidences and synchronicities can be seen as nature’s way of encouraging serendipity. They may lead to unexpected opportunities, new connections, or creative breakthroughs, enriching our lives and expanding our horizons.

  4. Inspiration and Creativity: Many artists, writers, and innovators have drawn inspiration from coincidences and synchronicities. These events often spark creativity by offering novel connections or ideas that can be explored in various forms of art, literature, or scientific discovery.

  5. Spiritual and Metaphysical Significance: For some, coincidences and synchronicities are seen as evidence of a deeper, interconnected universe or a higher power at work. They can provide a sense of spiritual meaning and reinforce beliefs in the interconnectedness of all things.

  6. Problem-Solving and Decision-Making: People may use coincidences and synchronicities as a tool for decision-making. They might interpret these events as signs or guidance in making important life choices or solving problems.

  7. Fostering Intuition: Coincidences and synchronicities can sharpen one’s intuition and ability to recognize patterns and connections in their life, encouraging more mindful and reflective thinking.

  8. Encouraging Open-Mindedness: While some are quick to dismiss coincidences as mere chance, they can also foster open-mindedness by encouraging individuals to consider alternative explanations or the possibility of hidden forces at play.

  9. Cultural and Social Significance: These occurrences are integral to culture and storytelling. Many myths, legends, and religious texts are filled with coincidences and synchronicities, illustrating their enduring importance in shaping our narratives and beliefs.

  10. Exploration of the Unexplained: Coincidences and synchronicities remain a subject of scientific, philosophical, and psychological exploration. Studying them can shed light on the human mind’s capacity to perceive patterns, the role of cognitive biases, and the boundaries of our understanding of causality and interconnectedness.

In summary, the importance of coincidences and synchronicities lies in their potential to provide meaning, comfort, and inspiration in our lives, as well as to encourage open-mindedness and exploration of the unknown. While they may not always have objective, provable significance, they continue to be a captivating and thought-provoking aspect of the human experience.

Time to practice!

Time for you to start the 4th challenge.

It is time now for you to practice !

Only practices will allow you to achieve actual results.

And these practices must be repeated. Through repetition, it is possible to change our habits and even, as shown by the recent studies in neuroscience and epigenetic, modify our biochemistry and the expression of our genes !

However in order to obtain these powerful and lasting transformations, you must practice daily until these transformations start to occur !

We understand that there is a significant gap between understanding fully ‘what must be achieved’ and achieving it. Once we will have received sufficient funding to do so, we are committed to co-design a dedicated program summarizing for you all the best practices to succeed this 4th challenge and allowing you to have access to the best possible online resources & guidance as well as personal guidance with recognized experts.

You can actively contribute to the creation of this specific program by sending us suggestions of great content, by advising us the best experts you have identified in this area or by simply contributing to our tepee account. Upon receipt of your contribution, we will send you an application form to become one of our advisory member. We are looking forward designing the best possible program thorough your valuable inputs, advises and contributions.

We thank you in advance for any of your contribution to help as many people as possible to live their life at its very best.